Book An Appointment

Online Booking

Get in touch to learn how Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help you end your pain.

Primary clinic:

76 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754

Melton Clinic

477 High Street, Melton 3338

Talk With Us

At Amber & Flow, we offer a safe and effective approach to restoring balance to the body, mind and spirit. Book your appointment today and start your journey to better health!

All Practitioners at Amber & Flow are fully vaccinated. Face masks are essential for staff and patients.

Call us

+61 490 903 733

Email Us

If you have a special request for a time and day, feel free to call or drop us a query.

Mernda, VIC 3754

Melton VIC 3338

Our location

Primary clinic:

76 Schotters Road, Mernda 3754 VIC

Other location:

477 High Street, Melton 3338 VIC